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Where: Capitol Building, Augusta Maine
When: 11:00AM, Saturday, April 11th, 2015


Maine Students for Climate Justice is a coalition of student groups from across Maine. Together, we are organizing what we hope will be the largest youth-led climate action in Maine history. We are calling this action Generation Climate Rising, and it will take place in Augusta on April 11th.


We are generation climate, because our generation will inherit the burden of the climate crisis, and we are rising because now is the time to take collective action to change history!


We call ourselves Maine Students for Climate Justice, because we believe that all real solutions to the climate crisis must prioritize the self determination of those who disproportionately bear the burden of climate change and the fossil fuel energy system— especially indigenous communities, communities of color, and nations of the global south.


In November, Maine re-elected Paul LePage, a governor that blatantly refuses to take meaningful steps to stop climate change. We cannot wait four years to put Maine on the path to climate justice. So together, we are rising to show our power as young people, and to hold our elected officials accountable to our vision of climate justice.


We Demand: 
No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure. When we invest in new fossil fuel infrastructure, we are making investments that will last for decades. We need to put all state investments in clean-energy solutions that move us away from a fossil fuel economy.


We are rising for:
Democratized clean-energy systems that work for people and the planet. Democratized energy means that people and communities, not corporations, should have control over the energy systems in their back yards. We need policies that will incentivize a shift towards this kind of economy. This kind of economy will create good, lasting jobs for Maine workers.


The health and livelihoods of all Mainers. Climate change is hurting people in Maine right now, especially working-class people, and those of us reliant on the agriculture, marine and winter tourism industries.


Solidarity with front-line communities. We should not have to be complicit in the human rights abuses of the fossil fuel industry in order to meet our own needs. Everyone has a human right to clean water and a healthy environment. Communities around the world are rising up to resist the toxic, polluting practices of the fossil fuel industry. We are rising with them, and together we will win a fossil free future.


Weatherization. Mainers pay huge energy costs to heat their homes and businesses. The best way to address this is to make our structures more efficient. Everyone should have access to the means of making their homes warmer and more efficient.


Affordable public transit. Maine is a rural state, and too many people live without access to transportation. Too many people also rely on personal vehicles. Investing in public transportation will help Mainers and it will help curb climate change.


Education. Too many Maine students and residents do not have the opportunity to learn about the science of climate change, its impact on Maine and the rest of the world, and actions we can take to stop and adapt to climate change.


There are several bills being considered this legislative session that are in line with our goals, including the Home Efficiency Bond, and An Act to Create Jobs and Promote Investment in Maine's Economy through Increased Access to Solar Energy. These bills are just a start, and we need to pass them now!


EMAIL with questions, to join our coordinating team, or to ask for support in organizing in your community. 
JOIN AND SHARE our event on Facebook for constant updates
DONATE to help us make this event more accessible to all young people here
ORGANIZE in your community. Help coordinate transportation. Talk to student or youth groups. Share our information.

Find Maine Students for Climate Justice here: 


Maine Students for Climate Justice





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